Weekly summary

I have been mainly focusing on the personal game card for the past week, the look of my main character was chosen, it’s name has been changed in to “Berry Fairy”, the look of the villains/foes has been decided on and the lay out for the game card has been created. As for the Alice game card, I have only adapted its size to A2 and applied some minor changes. Both game cards still need proper typography and important game information, so that’s definitely something I should work on.

The deadline is next week and by then both game cards should be done.

One thought on “Weekly summary

  1. Hey Yao! Looking at your Blog I can see you did alot of posting and research. This really gives a good insight in what you are doing and where you are going! Your frequent updates also show that you work hard and do a lot of experimenting. All of this will definitely give you a advantages in completing your game. Keep it up!

    From what I have read about your games I can conclude the following: Your Alice game is about an astronaut named Alice who gets ”sucked” into an alternative dimension, here she will need to fight off alien foes and reach the Queen of Hearts (and defeat her) to get the answers we need in order to get back to her own universe. Your personal game is about a creature (Berry fairy) that goes on a quest to retrieve a stolen ”devine” berry from foul creatures. The Berry Fairy has to collect berries during the quest to use it’s powers against the creatures.

    I love how different both your games are. Your Alice game is for of a personal quest, where one needs to find a way out of an unknown place. Where your personal game is more about subconsciously teaching people about what we are doing to the world, and making them think. From what I have seen you have been working really hard on the research and visuals of the game. Your visuals itself give a good feel of the atmosphere in your game and it matches really well with your descriptions.

    For the Alice game, I know you were struggling with the female character on your game card. I took a look at it and altered your drawing a little, making the character less ”flat” and give her more shape. Her stomach area was very flat, also in colour, so I added more shadow and shape: https://gabriellawouts.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/yao.jpg

    For your game card, I know your still working on it, don’t try to add to much. Your visual is already very colourful (in a good way) and has lots of details. Try to find a compostition with your text that doesn’t take away from your visual. Try looking at game posters (this is the look your kinda going for right?) and see how they use typography. For example: http://www.shortlist.com/cool-stuff/design/video-game-movie-posters

    Your personal game card sketches until now look great but I do wonder about the colours. Looking at your story and comparing it to your game card, the colours look really ”happy”? From your storyline I would expect something less colourfull. Seeing the happy colours now takes away abit of the ”treat” of the enemies at the front. Maybe try taking away one colour? The best colour shemes usually consists out of three.

    If your struggeling with this you can also look at this thread and tutorial:

    Your perspective is also a little of. Your eye should be lead through your work to a certain point. Right now you get pulled to the left upper corner because of the direction of the movement and lines. Take a look at this tutorial on perspective, I think it’s really easy for you to tweak it a little. Just use the tips given in the tutorial and you should be fine!

    For now keep up the good work, I’m looking forward to see your final game cards!


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